
From cockpit to cabin – Whether the upgrade is required, or you’d like to take advantage of new technology that revolutionized navigation and communications, our avionics department offers Glass Panels, GPS Installations, Weather Systems, Cabin Entertainment, Office in the Sky, and more.

Cutting Edge Technology At Your Fingertips

We are equipped with cutting edge test equipment and an extensive parts inventory, our avionics team is your one-stop shop for installs, modifications, overhauls and exchanges – quickly and economically.

Incorporating the latest in factory training and equipment, significantly reducing down time and costs, Central passes significant savings on to our customers. From a minor adjustment to a major overhaul, we perform to the highest standards of quality and performance.

Avionics Team

Evan Amaya
Avionics Sales
Joe Simpson
Maintenance Sales
David Casey
Maintenance Sales
For More Information Contact Our Team
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